I’m not one who is sentimental. I don’t get caught up in the dreams of others, usually. But as I’ve gotten older and wiser, I’ve come to realize that nothing is to be taken for granted and life is precious and words have the ability to propel or reject. they are ultimately one of the most powerful tools that we have at our disposal daily. I recently visited the memorial of Dr. Martin Luther King, JR and was riveted at the massiveness of the statue and the sear magnitude of the power it represented. A few of my relatives were there as well and I felt a clear connection as to what the King dream meant to me and our children… perhaps for the first time..
Let’s be clear.. I grew up in Atlanta… the woman that I was named after was Coretta King’s personal secretary for over 30 years. I grew up around the King Center, in Atlanta. But not until now, when I saw this memorial, have I really felt it, what it all really means. Hey, I’m being honest.. this is for me, my truth…. I get it!
The sky was clear as ever and the bluest I’ve noticed in a while…
I love this saying.. to me, it is so true and is particularly meaningful as it applies to him…
perfect sunset over the memorial
A moment of reflection… (Mike and Lavernne… we enjoyed your visit)
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