With 2011 ushering it’s way right out of the way. I’m happy to report that I am looking forward to what 2012 has in store for me personally and professionally.
For all of you… I wish…
Happiness in it’s purest form.
Love that never ever fades but gets stronger as the time ebbs by.
Friendships that weather all storms.
Faith that is transparent.
Passion for the one true thing that makes your heart beat a little faster.
Laughter that makes your sides ache.
Tests that are not graded but just challenge your thoughts.
Food that tickles your tongue and warms your soul.
Hugs from those who care.
Words from those who know you need them.
Prayer that covers us all.
Kisses that take your breath away.
Sunsets that remind us of how awesome HE really is.
I am making a list of what I want to accomplish for myself and my family as the new year approaches. Just as a gentle reminder to keep me focused and in the present. I hope all of you are guided by your wishes and dreams for 2012. It’s going to be a great one.. I can feel it!
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