He is my Dad…. and he has taught me everything there is to know about everything, although as a teenager, I could not nor would not acknowledge that I was watching and learning from him. Perhaps I was learning without even knowing it.
He taught me to work. He drove a VW Bug for most of my life. I can remember hearing it start every morning at the same time and the rush of the motor would wake me up.. did not need an alarm clock. He never missed a day of work that I can remember. Never!
He taught me to question, anything and everything. A good challenging discussion is still encouraged when I go to visit. The first time my teenagers heard such an exchange they wondered why we were discussing the subject so loudly… Arguing?.. Why are you fussing at Papa.. they were not used to hearing me argue my point so vigorously. They had never even heard an argument. I can remember, as a teenager, sitting around the TV when the news came on; God forbid you were not listening to what Tom Brokow was talking about because at the first commercial dad was testing you. “Now what did he just say was happening in Romania?” We never heard him say… “because I told you so” he always did his best to explain and if you had a good argument to the contrary you were able to discuss it although his mind was seldom changed.
He taught me the value of education.. not just through books but through knowledge. It does not matter to him where you get it as long as you get it.. something, anything, but you have to know something.. just try….
He taught me the love of travel and necessity of exposure and understanding to other cultures and people. There are not many countries he has not been to and if he has not been there the plans are in the works.. Such a great way to know yourself is to get to know others. He often starts conversations with strangers… I got it from him.. It horrifies the kids.
He taught me not to sweat the small stuff. “Cause it’s all small”.. I think he is the most laid back, happy, content non-sweating person I know. With a sense of humor that is always good for a laugh “What difference does it make?” “Who really cares” he often says.. He took care of his family, always, and we never “wanted for nothing…”, as the saying goes.. EXCEPT the brand new car he would not buy me after I graduated from College.. I can remember crying…”…but I deserrrrrrvvve one, what is wrong with you?” He just laughed.. “yeah, you do deserve one alright, so go buy it for yourself.. you’re college educated, I’m sure you can make it happen.”
He taught me to love. To love for him is to be there, through thick and thin. To never turn his back on his family. To except my brothers and I for who we are not what we aren’t. For having our backs for the decisions we make no matter how foolish he might think they are. For trusting us to make our own mistakes and never saying, to your face..”I told you so”….For loving mom unconditionally.. Always!
He is the other man in my life and it goes without saying how much I Love him.. Happy Birthday Dad. I wish you continued good health, good fortune and happiness!
dancing like there was no one watching!
Hi De-lo –
It’s great to see your father, if only in pics. He was the most laid back, happy, content, non-sweating person I knew as well. I think I need to adopt his ways…and he was always there with that SAME smile – peaceful and content. Take care of yourself and I hope to see you soon. MM
Marjorie (Dixon) Mitchell
I saw the HB greeting to your dad on FB and just wanted to say hello. Tell Mr. R he is looking great! Hello to your mom as well. I hope they are both enjoying life and dancing right through it. Sounds like the kids are keeping you busy. Hope all is well. Hello to Eric too! Take care,
“A portrait is like a mirror to the soul…
time standing still…
to be treasured forever…”
Delores Holloway
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