As hurricane Irene approached the area I started to receive unsolicited advise as to what to do for the emending nuptials that seemed to headed for a collision course with the super natural weather event. I called Yalonda from Costco as I watched people filled their carts to the brim with food they did not need, even if there was a hurricane and seemed to panic a little bit myself, on the inside. Her voice was cool and calm and my pulse calmed by the lightness in her voice. “We just left the rehearsal dinner and it is a go.. I appreciate your concern…” my mind raced….. ” I’ll see you tomorrow at 5:00.” As I hung up the phone I chuckled to myself as I looked in my cart filled to the brim, with all the food I thought we’d need for the storm that probably would not be… the next day. After all, I would be at a wedding! The wedding went off without a hitch and all of their family and friends where there to support them. Come rain or shine as the saying goes…. Their love for each other rained down on all of their guests from far and wide. Yalonda and Krewasky, thanks for allowing me the opportunity to capture this very special day in your lives. Your love for each other is quiet and gentle yet funny and mature. Krewasky’s since of humor is refreshing and the smile in Yalonda’s eyes when she laughs at his jokes is memorable. I will always remember you and the wedding, as it proved to be the unexpected that made it so special. Thanks for following me out to the only tiny little dry nook at the place to take your fabulous portraits. It worked out just perfect, hurricane and all!
Yalonda fought back tears of joy as the doors were opened…
Dancing a little jig when no one was supposed to be watching!
announcing….Mr and Mrs.
later, everyone joined them on the dancefloor…
To see more of Yalonda and Krewasky’s wedding, Click here to see their slideshow!
“A portrait is like a mirror to the soul…
time standing still…
to be treasured forever…”
Delores Holloway
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